What is the weather like in Galveston TX?

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Hi friends. Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the weather here in Galveston TX and what you can expect from each season!


  • March: Low of 58° & high of 69° with an average of 4 days of rainfall
  • April: Low of 65° & high of 75° with an average of 3 days of rainfall
  • May: Low of 72° & high of 81° with an average of 4 days of rainfall


  • June: Low of 78° & high of 87° with an average of 5 days of rainfall
  • July: Low of 80° & high of 89° with an average of 6 days of rainfall
  • August: Low of 80° & high of 89° with an average of 6 days of rainfall


  • September: Low of 76° & high of 86° with an average of 7 days of rainfall
  • October: Low of 68° & high of 79° with an average of 5 days of rainfall
  • November: Low of 59° & high of 71° with an average of 5 days of rainfall


  • December: Low of 51° & high of 64° with an average of 6 days of rainfall
  • January: Low of 48° & high of 61° with an average of 7 days of rainfall
  • February: Low of 51° & high of 63° with an average of 4 days of rainfall

Galveston weather is overall very nice and of course since its a city on the beach you can expect to see residents outside all year long. Theres so many amazing restaurants with beach views, outdoor shopping on The Strand, Pleasure Pier which has fun rides & carnival games, and so much more. There is some concern during Hurricane Season for flooding & damage, but the city is good at keeping its people informed on what they need to do to prepare. download_our_local_maps We are so happy you found our little corner of the interwebs. We look forward to yall reaching out to us. We love to answer questions and welcome them. Recently we created some local maps, and you can download those by clicking the image/link above. Below, you will find an index of some very helpful information to assist you in learning more about the Houston suburbs. If you are relocating to our neck of the woods, we hope you reach out to us, because we would love to help you by being your local realtor and friend. Hugs, Jo. Thoughtfully written for you by Jordan and the Jo & Co. Team.   here

We are Waiting for You

If you are looking to relocate to the Houston Area, we would love to meet you, and hear your story. Below you will find all of my contact information, as well as some homes for sale in the area. We truly look forward to hearing from you! P.S. Dont forget to check out our YouTube Channel! width=1296

If you are overwhelmed..

Now if you are feeling overwhelmed on where you should plant your roots, I would love to talk to you. You can schedule a call with me by click this link: https://byjoandco.com/call or just send us an email: jordan@byjoandco.com. There are some amazing communities all over the Houston suburbs. In this post, https://search.byjoandco.com/blog/best-neighborhoods-in-houston/, I deep dive into all the different suburbs/neighborhoods that you might want to consider, and why. There are many resources here, so please reach out if you are curious what to look at next! Thank you for trusting us. width=1545

Links to check out..

 Our YouTube Channel :: https://byjoandco.com/youtube
 How do property taxes work in Texas? :: https://byjoandco.com/propertytaxesintexas
 Things to do in The Woodlands :: https://byjoandco.com/inthewoodlands
 Safest Neighborhoods in Houston :: https://byjoandco.com/safesthouston
 Best Neighborhoods in Houston :: https://byjoandco.com/bestneighborhoods
 Houston Texas Where to Live :: https://byjoandco.com/houstontexaswheretolive
 First Time Texas Home Buyer :: https://byjoandco.com/firsttimetexasbuyer

What next?!

• Download our Moving to Texas ebook! https://byjoandco.com/movingtotexasebook.
• Download our Where to Live in Houston Texas ebook! https://byjoandco.com/wheretoliveebook.
• Schedule a phone call or appointment with us! https://byjoandco.com/appointment.
• Email us! Jordan@byjoandco.com.
• Looking for a buyer’s agent? Fill out our buyer questionnaire! https://byjoandco.com/q.
• Ready to find your dream home? Search, https://search.byjoandco.com.
• Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://byjoandco.com/youtube.find

At Jo & Co. we know that most people struggle with the home buying or selling experience. We are a brokerage, real people, that do more for you, by being with you every step of the way, so that you plant your roots in the right soil. One way that we go above and beyond is with the content we share on YouTube. Click the photo below to explore our channel. width=3024

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