Selling Your Home with Vick Cortez

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I once heard someone say that we live in an upgrade nation . People are constantly changing and upgrading their lives, and who can blame them. We have so many options from the big bright lights and opportunities the city has to offer, to the quiet suburbs where families can start off and grow, or the north away from the city lights where time slows down and grandkids visit on the weekends. Now more than ever before in our industry I am finding that people are spending less time holding onto their primary residences than previous years.

Being part of the statistic I have personally change my primary residence twice and going on a third now to accommodate my beautiful growing family. Statistics show that the national average people keep their homes as of 2018, is 12 years compared to the 14.2 years just in 2014. Based on market analysis and everyday on the field experience from the hundreds of clients I had the opportunity of working with, here are some of the main resons why we texans move so darn much.

There have been many people in my shoes, who like myself have become a new parent recently. Having a growing family probably means that you will need to upgrade your home soon. Adding more space to accommodate the new little bundles of joy you will soon bring home sweet home.

Adding more space doesnt always mean new family members. Many small business owners have found much success in the recent years with the up economy. Which might mean that you are now looking for a home with a killer office space that you desperately need so that your family can finally have their kitchen table back. Maybe your upgrade doesnt include more space but an awesome pool to combat this Texas heat and make sweet sweet summer memories. While we are on the subject of upgrading, I have been toying around with the idea of upgrading my home to include a mother in law suite. Maybe that would persuade the in-laws to possibly move in and have their own space all while helping with the kids. I think they might need a little more convincing than that, but hey we can all dream right?

According to a statistics provided by the University of Houston, Texas is the second most populous state in the U.S. and its growing beyond that, leading the nation in population growth. Changing your primary residence for geological reasons is become a reality here in the big city of Houston. With the growing city the painful 5 o clock traffic is no stranger to us Houstonians. I have found and increasing number of my clients are avoiding the 5 oclock traffic altogether and just opting to move closer to their place of work. I cant blame anyone for that, the traffic is a pain. its not only the traffic that is ever changing and increasing but also the growth of neighborhoods. Maybe some neighborhoods have gotten too cluttered or busy for your liking. Maybe you would like to be closer to more parks and lakes for outdoor activities for you and the kiddos. Whatever the reason maybe many of my clients are choosing to move to be closer or further away from they things they need.

As seasons change, life also goes through its own seasonal changes. One big life change that many of my clients go through is having an empty nest. You now have this big place that once housed all of your children that have maybe gone to college or have moved out of state to pursue a career. Either way you now need less house with perhaps less maintenance. One life change that I am personally looking forward to is retirement. Many newly retirees look to settle into an active retirement community to live out their beautiful days playing golf or enjoying the recreational facilities and social gatherings. Aaaaahhhh just living the dream. Changes in relationships also yield in changes in living situations. Newly married couples ditching their bachelor pads to buy their first family homes.

Whatever the reason may be statistics show that people in Texans arent holding on to their homes as long as they used to. with the market now flooded with home buyers now is the perfect time to sell. Call on your Local Real Estate expert Victorino Cortez to help with that transition.

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-Real Estate With a Twist-